Sunday 18 October 2015

WEEK 5 - FLYER ASSIGNMENT and Topic 5: Endosymbiosis + Test 1


Hello readers, 

At the end of topic 4, each group were needed to complete another group assignment which is making a flyer about most wanted or unwanted bacteria. My group have made an agreement to choose Lactobacillus Casei as our most wanted bacteria. 2 persons find the information, 1 person write information & draw figures and another 1 person colors the flyer. The picture's below is our group's flyer. 


Topic 5: Endosymbiotic Theory

Endosymbiosis in one of the interesting topic for this subject. It's about an evolution the origin of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotics. It stated that several organelles of eukaryotic originated symbiosis between separated single-cell organisms. 

The biochemical evidences are:
  • mitochondria developed from proteobacteria (Rickettsiales)
  • Chloroplast from cyanobacteria (nitrogen fixing filamentous) 
Before this I only learnt about the functions and structures of these organelles since my secondary school until my matriculation level. I never know how and why is it happened. Let me make this cleared. For example, what is the special characteristics of mitochondria or chloroplast (plastids)? 

Yes of course. it contain single circular DNA and replicate independently and do not contain introns & histones. This characteristic was same as prokaryotics characteristic while mitochondria is actually an eukaryotics organism. Have you all ever wondered how was it happened? 

From that moment, i just knew and realized that these two organelles had gone through evolutionary process which is endosymbiosis around 1.5 billions ago. From ancestral host cell to modern cell that contain mitochondria and chloroplast. Based on what I've learnt from the lecture, the name of mitochondria & chloroplast were not same as they entered the ancestral host cell which called aerobic bacterium & cyanobacterium. 





Four pictures above are the forum questions that we need to answered before the next class.

Cell Division Cycle



The learning of division of cell cycle mitosis and meiosis is likely as my revision session because I think all the science stream student from the school have learnt about this cell division cycle. Some terms is common for us such as G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase and M phase. All cells do undergoes mitosis cell division cycle except the reproductive cells which undergoes meiosis. Therefore, when i was learning with Prof Madya Dr. Parameswari i have actually done recalling back my memories and knowledge about the cell division cycle. 

The next class we were having a test that covers topic 1 and 2. The questions are all easy but there's a few question that provided quite confusing answers especially the objective questions. Therefore for the preparation of the next test 2, i have to do more exercises answering questions to be more familiar with any kind of questions given. 

Nurul Syafiqah Azhar-published on 181015;0600pm 

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